Roles, Permissions and Objects
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The Access Control model in ONEWEB is based on Roles, Permissions, and Objects. You can control the rights of users using this model.
The Role is a job function that defines an authority level and can be used to assign the level of permissions on each object. You can easily define a role and assign it to many users who have the same permissions.
Permission is approval on the mode of access of an object or a group of objects. You can group similar usage of objects together as single permission to easily manage and assigned to many roles and users.
The Object is a thing that needs to be access-controlled and protected. The object can be anything you need to control permission such as a button, textbox, menu, page, file, etc.
The things to keep in mind are: A user can have many roles. A role can be assigned to multiple users. One role can have multiple permissions and many objects. One permission can be assigned to multiple roles. One permission can have many objects.