Validate Order Unit and calculate Total Price

Learn about step to validate Order Unit and auto calculate Total Price after changing Order Unit. Requirement 1. Order Unit must <= In Stock and Order Unit must <= Remain Order Unit. 2. Auto calculate Total Price after changed Order Unit.

Procedure 1. From ONEWEB workspace, create javascript file name "/MasterWeb/WebContent/manual/js/doc/order/order_request_item_back_office_update_mode.js" in MasterWeb and override method "modifyInsertMany(String moduleID, HashMap hStoreHashMap, String processMode, int row)" with coding below.

// Auto script when open popup
function loadUpdateManyManual(){

// Auto calculate field on popup
function calPriceByInputUnit(){
		var stock = parseInt($("[name=IN_STOCK]").val());
		var remain = parseInt($("[name=REMAIN_ORDER_UNIT]").val());
		var getUnitBackofc = parseInt($("[name=UNIT_BY_BACK_OFFICE]").val());
		if(getUnitBackofc > stock || getUnitBackofc > remain){
			alert('Unit choose by backoffice must less than stock and remain');
			var pricePerUnit = $("[name=UNIT_PRICE]").val();
			var totalPrice = getUnitBackofc*pricePerUnit;
			console.log('totalPrice: '+totalPrice) ;

// Change to money format
function moneyFormat(strMoneyA) {
	var strMoney = new String(strMoneyA);
	if(strMoney != undefined && strMoney != 'null' && strMoney != ''){
		strMoney  = strMoney.replace(/\,/g,'');
		strMoney = parseFloat(strMoney).toFixed(2);
		strMoney += '';
		x = strMoney.split('.');
		x1 = x[0];
		x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
		var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
		while (rgx.test(x1)) {
			x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
		return x1 + x2;
		return '0.00';

2. From ONEWEB workspace, export EafMasterEar.ear and deploy update to server. The javascript file name "/MasterWeb/WebContent/manual/js/doc/order/order_request_item_back_office_update_mode.js" will update to server.

3. Go to App Designer and open entity name "Doc Order Request Item - Back Office" to edit.

4. From Tools > Action drag Entity Action to the box under entity name. The action name "SEARCH" shows then click icon pencil to edit it. The dialog of Action Field Configuration opens. Change Process Name to "UPDATE". Put "/MasterWeb/manual/js/doc/order/order_request_item_back_office_update_mode.js" to Script File. Click OK.

5. Click Save this Entity.

6. Test by log in to FrontWeb. Login with Back Office user. Go to To Do List and claim job. Click edit Order Item. Click edit Supplier. The system must calculate remain order unit.

Last updated