A similar experience regardless of the device. Users/Visitors can access your smart forms and pages on their desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. A big part of user experience design is ensuring that no matter how the visitor sees your site, they are getting the same experience they would if they were to visit from another device. This means that if a visitor is seeing your site on their phone or tablet, they should still be able to find everything they need without trouble just like they would if they were viewing your site on their desktop at home.
A seamless experience across all your devices helps keep your users on your UI platform regardless of the device they are using.
Provide instantly recognizable and easy-to-use navigation. The key to providing a pleasant user experience for users is to understand that they are in search of content. They want information that you are providing on your Smart Forms or Pages. They will be using your Menu search screens or web site's navigation to quickly get to the content they are looking for. Provide a user-friendly navigation system that is easy to recognize and easy to use.
Design your navigation in a way that gets visitors where they want to go with the least number of clicks as possible while still being easy to scan and locate where they need to go.
Make the most important thing on the screen the focal point. Users are more likely to quickly scan the screen than they are to read everything there. Therefore, if a visitor or user wants to find content or complete a task, they are going to scan until they find where they need to go. You can help them along by designing where the eyes should focus first, second, etc. (also known as visual hierarchy). Make the important things such as screen titles, login forms, navigation items, or other important content a focal point so visitors see it right away.
Ensure all links and buttons function as they should. It is pretty frustrating to look for an item that you need urgently but is out of stock at the grocery store. Users of your application/web pages feel the exact same way when they click on a broken link or on a visual element that looks like a button but isn't clickable. When visitors are searching for content, they expect every link to take them where it says it will and without any error and not to another place they weren't expecting.
Visual elements that look like they are links or buttons but aren't clickable (i.e. underlined words that aren't links, elements that have a call-to-action but are not hyperlinked) can also frustrate users and can cause them to dislike your application or leave your site.
Let the user control their browsing experience. There are several common irritants that have appeared recently on websites that take control away from users, such as auto-play videos and hijacked scrolling. When you design a smart form, website or user interface, you want to let the user control their browsing and movement through the site or application.
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