Create your process diagram
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Process Template Diagram can be created by dragging each item and dropping to the diagram panel. User can double click on each node task to configure the data needed for execution. Shown below is an example to create a sample flow.
1. First, user must drag a Horizontal lane and drop to the diagram panel.
2. To start the flow user must drag the Start event and End event. Now for the example we are using, we need the Exclusive gateway, Human task and Database task as well. Drag these node tasks to the diagram panel.
3. Now the user must create the links between the node tasks. Move the mouse over at the source node task, click on any one of the circle ports that are highlighted and drag the port to the target node task and create the links as given below in the process design.
4. Double click on Database Tasks to change name to "Get User Information from DB" and "Save User Status to DB" as shown in the diagram below. Change name of Human Task to "Approve Inbox". Change name of Exclusive to be "Check Approve". User can double click on the link out of gateway to set the values. Double click on link out of Exclusive gateway and change name to "Approve".
Change the other lane to "Reject". For Gateways user can configure condition at the Gateway tab. To modify condition of link by using Formula Editor, click on the Condition button.
5. Configure the business object on each the node task,
Double click on node task to show Configuration Panel and open the Business Object tab.
Click to check both Input and Output checkbox to set input parameter and out parameter of that node task.
Click Open Mapping Parameter button, the mapping parameter page is shown for mapping input parameter and output parameter of the process to the node task.
Click the line between Input box and Mapping box.
Click on the Object in Input Process Parameter on the left hand side and drag into the Object containing in Activity Parameter on the right hand side.
Note: If both objects are same system will the mapping automatically for you.
Now click on line between Mapping box and Output box.
Click the Object in Activity Parameter on the left hand side and drag into the text in Output Process Parameter on the right hand side.
Click Done button on the top right hand side to go back to diagram.
6. Configure the Database Parameter for Database node.
Double on Database node task to show the Configuration Panel and open third tab. Note: Before doing this step user must set input and output parameters as described in step 5.
Enter the data regarding the database parameters. e.g. Enter Connection Type as "JNDI", JNDI Name is "jdbc/pd", Command Type is "Select" and Command - "select username, cost, date, status from user".
If the business object is already configured as per Step 5 in the Business Object tab, user can click Open Mapping Parameter button on Database Parameter tab and map parameter to the database query following the same step 5.
7. Configure the Assignment Policy for Human Task.
Double click on Human task to show Configuration Panel and open Assignment Policy tab. Enter value of Setting is "Pull" and value of Work party Name is "Approve".
8. Configured the value of Load Entity of the Human Task.
Double click on node task to show Configuration Panel and open Load Entity tab. Enter value of Entity as "Application" (This is the name of the entity from App Designer that will be used as the UI for the user to work on, when the human task is assigned to a user). Enter value of Key and Value as "APPLICATION_ID" (Key of the entity from AD) and "${}" (PD Business Object parameter) to map data from this process flow to entity which forms the UI.
9. Finally, when each item on the process diagram is completely configured, user can save the process and deploy it to the destination environment to be integrated with other systems.