Integrate Process with UX/UI
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Process Flow can be easily integrated with both Smart Form as well as Page.
Process with Smart Form Assume if you have a request form that needs to be approved by a supervisor. Once you click "submit" after completing the information, system should call workflow to send your request to the supervisor. And once the request is assigned to the supervisor, system should notify him and open the request form on UI for the supervisor to approve or reject. Thus you need to integrate the forms on App Designer with the business process on Process Designer to make it work.
The first part of this scenario involves integrating smart form to process using Process buttons as explained in Smart Form Integration with Process. The second part of the scenario is explained in this section as a step by step process. That is, from the Process to the Smart Form.
Open Process flow that you want to integrate with an Entity. Click on the Human Activity node that you want to map with the Entity. Click on ‘Load Entity’ Tab in the configuration panel. Choose the Entity name that you want to integrate with this task. Choose the process parameter that is passed from process to Entity. Choose the field on Entity where the parameter value passed from BO is set. Click ‘Done’ to save your mapping
Now once a task reaches this human activity and is assigned to a user, when the user selects this task to work on from his inbox, system will open the entity mapped to this human activity for the user to work on.
Process with Page Assume if you have a mobile or web page that needs to be submitted to a supervisor, once you click "submit" after completing the information. For this we use Microflow as the integration gateway between Page and Process Engine, to submit details on page to the process and also to send data back from process to the page in the form of notification. Please check the details for integrating process using Microflow in the Integrate Process with Microflow section. Also please refer Page Integration with Microflow.
Process can also be integrated with external UX/UI or can be integrated with other system by using the REST APIs provided by ONEWEB Process Designer. Please check the Process Runtime REST API for more information on the APIs