Link Parent Child Entity for Admin
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Learn about step to link parent entity (Order Request Entity for Admin) with child entity (Order Request Item)
1. From ONEWEB App Designer screen, click Utilities > Parent Child Entity and then click icon plus on the popup dialog. Parent Child Entity Configuration opens.
2. Select Parent Entity to "Doc Order Request - Admin"
3. Select Child Entity to "Doc Order Request Item - Admin"
4. Select Parent Tab to "Order Item"
5. Select Child Tab to "Supplier List"
6. Select Parent Module to "Order Request Item"
7. Put "REQUEST_ID" to Parent's Fields.
8. Put "REQUEST_ID" to Interface Parameters.
9. Put "REQUEST_ID" to Child's Fields.
10. Put "ADD" to Display Value.
11. Click Save. The new record that PARENT ENTITY start with "Doc Order Request - Admin show and the system will automatic add module button name "ADD" to the parent entity (Doc Order Request Item - Admin).
12. Go back to edit entity Doc Order Request Item - Admin.
Edit module button "ADD" by click icon pencil.
Change Page Action to -- Please select -- for hide button from this entity.
Click OK and save entity