To Do List
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In PD when a process instance reaches a Human node Task, the task is assigned to a human user based on the Work Party and Task Allocation method as specified in the Assignment Policy tab. Once a task is assigned to the user, the user can login to ONEWEB and access this task using "ToDo List" functionality. To see the results as expected on assigned work party's ToDo List, the work party has to be defined correctly by user. Details on how to configure Work Party and Task Allocation are explained in their corresponding sections.
In order for the tasks to be shown on the screen correctly, the entity screen to be loaded must be defined on Load Entity Tab in the Human node task. The entity screen is created using the App Designer (AD). The details of how to create an entity screen are explained in Entity Section. On Load entity tab, the key of entity have to be mapped with the Business Object (BO) parameter in order to send the data in Business Object to the entity screen. The details of Load Entity tab are described in the Human Task section.
How to use ToDo List Once a user logs in successfully, To Do List menu is shown as the sub menu of Work Zone on the left side menu panel. The To Do List screen is shown in the figure below.
1. The first section shows the name of the process that has assigned the task to the user.The first section shows the name of the process that has assigned the task to the user.
2. The second section shows the name of the task that is assigned to the user. This section has two importance icons
3. The last section on the right side is where the task monitor screen is loaded. However, the first time this section loads up it simply display a graphic animation.
This icon is used to open task monitor as shown in the figure below. The human node task that sends this task to the user is highlighted with the blue line. The task monitor is explained in section Task Monitor
This icon opens the entity screen that is defined in the Load Entity tab of human node task. The example of the entity screen in task assignment is shown in the figure below.