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Inside SQL Builder ONEWEB also provides an option to connect to the database and run the query to verify. Users can find the Connection option on the Side Menu
Click on the Connection, it opens the dialog to configure New Connection or you can use an existing connection in your application.
How to use Existing Connection Users can choose to select the connection by choosing the Database, then choose a server, and finally select database schema by clicking on ‘set active’.
Once the connection is successful, the user can see the server info updated on the Connection menu.
Users can expand the connection and browse for the tables. Click on ‘Connection’, then click the database name and then the schema name.
How to confgure New Connection : Click on the New Connection button.
Now follow the wizard through the following steps.
Database Engine : Select Database Engine
Connection Detail
Database driver: User can choose from existing drivers or upload a new driver version. User also has a sample driver attached here to download and use.
Once the configuration is complete, the user can test it by using the Test option. If the alert message shows success, then it means an SQL Builder can connect already.
Click the close button in an alert box and click Save & Done button.
Once the new connection is successfully created, it will be shown in the list of available connections. The user can edit and delete by clicking on the icon beside the connection name.