Data Designer tools
How to use Search The Search field is used to search and filter the tables on the side menu.
Hide Tables
The hide/show icon on the tables is to hide or show a table from the design panel.
The location icon is to locate a particular table on the design panel.The links also have the locate icon.
Toolbar Menus Data Designer provides a list of controls on the toolbar at the top.
To Save the changes on the Data Designer. When undo the auto save changes the undo s can go back to the last save using this Save button.
To stamp a version in the ER Diagram. Once you create different versions user can use the compare Schema tool inside the Database tools to compare the changes across versions.
To select the elements on the diagram panel for editing.
To scroll the designer panel to move along the panel.
To collapse the tables. There are three levels of collapse, 1. Level that shows the full structure (This is the default level). 2. Collapse to show only table name and keys. 3. Collapse to show only table name. The level of current collapse is also shown in the toolbar.
To open the magnifying glass feature at the mouse point on the panel to magnify any portion of the diagram.
To toggle the grid layout on the design panel. User also has option to set the grid dimensions.
Select entity and click on the design panel to add a new Entity to the ER Diagram. On the right hand side the properties panel will open to configure the entity and columns.
To configure the relationship between entities by adding links.
To create new group to group a set of entities.
To add a new Label to the ER Diagram.
To add new sticky notes to the Diagram panel.
Zoom in
To magnify the Diagram panel
Zoom %
Displays current zoom level
Zoom out
To zoom out the Diagram panel
Transfer Controls
To transfer the ER Diagram in and out of the Design panel. Data Designer provides multiple options for transfer both in and also out.
POS Engine
To change the default Database Engine to be used for transfer
To configure connection and also to open existing connection. The icon also shows the status of current connection.
To exit from current Diagram panel.
Transfer Controls The transfer control provides the following options. The transfer From Database is enabled only if there is an active connection.
Under Import, there are two options currently provided by the Data Designer - From XML and From Database. User can import to Data Designer from an XML file which is ideally an export from another Data Designer. Or the user has to follow the template to create the XML for import.
Users can use the import from database option if there is an active connection. If the user chooses the Import from the database and if there are manually created entities then again there are two types of import - Merge and Replace. Users can choose to merge or replace the data from the database.
Data Designer also provides the option to export to PDF, or image files. Users can also use it to generate SQL statements (DDLs) or an XML file.
When generate as SQL statements user might need to map the columns from ER Diagram to specific data types in the database. For this, the Data Designer provides the Column Type mapping feature
Users can preset the data types for different database engines. POS Engine setting
Data Designer provides an option to choose the database engine type and version to be used as the default engine for generating SQL.
Connection Control
Users can connect to a particular database connection from the connection control. It has also the option to configure a new Connection. Please go through the Connection configuration in SQL Builder to learn about how to configure a new connection. Entity Properties Window When a user selects a particular entity for edit, the Entity Properties window will open.
Last updated