In the Data Designer, the user can design a data model or ER Diagram from scratch or import it from an existing system. To create a new entity user has to choose the Entity icon from the toolbar menu and click and drag on the diagram panel where you want to place the entity.
The new entity will be created there and the Entity Properties window will open on the right-hand side where you can configure your entity properties.
Feature : Entity (General)
Name : To name the table.
Comment : To add details to the table.
Color : To change the color of the table card.
Feature : Entity > (Columns)
Name : To generate column names.
Type : To define the column type.
N (Not null) : To set the column value as not null.
PK (Primary Key) : To define columns as the primary key.
Length : To set the length of the column.
Precision : To set the precision for the number after the decimal.
Default Value : To specify the default value of the column.
Auto Increment : To assign a column to be incremented automatically every time the data is inserted
Delete : To delete columns.
Feature : Entity > (Indexes & Unique key constraints)
Users can use this section to specify the unique constraints or index keys for the table. It will not show on the design diagram , but will be generated during the DDL generation process.
Feature: Entity > (Node Problem)
Errors : To show errors.
Warning : To show a warning.
Feature: Entity (Preview SQL (DDL))
To generate the DDL for the table
Feature: Entity (Delete)
To delete the entity or table
Icon To add a column.
Icon To expand the column detail section.