How to create a Microflow in ONEWEB?
To create a microflow, the user needs to create an application or open an existing application in AppSpace.
Create an Application on AppSpace. To create an application on AppSpace first log in to AppSpace and click on the Create new app button.
When creating an application, users can create it as a Web Application or a Mobile App. Choose the right platform for your application and enter the details.
Click on Create button. The new application is created for you now. Click on the application icon to open your app. The system will redirect the user to the components page.
On the home page of the application, user can click on Create Flows icon. Alternately, user can create a new Microflow from the Component list screen as well. Click on the 'Add New' option.
On the Create Microflow dialog, enter the flow details. Users can click on Create button to simply create an empty microflow and can choose to start designing later. Alternately, the user can click on the Start Design button to create the flow and to start designing now itself.
If the user chooses to click on Create. The system will create the microflow and display the list of components to the user. Users can later click on the edit icon to start working on the microflow.
If the user clicks on the Start Design button, the system will create a microflow and redirect the user to the Microflow Designer. The system will now display the Create Flow page for creating the Flow Diagram.
If the user is creating a microflow for the first time, the system will redirect user to the defined BO page.
Define the Business Object step. Users can create the input and output parameters of the process.
User can add further details to the BO by clicking on the Add Parameter icon on the BO and add the parameters inside the BO.
The system will now display the Create Flow page for creating the Flow Diagram. Users can now start designing their flow diagram here.
Users can choose from an existing BO in the system by clicking on Add existing business object icon or user can create a new BO by clicking on the Add parameter icon . Enter the details for the new BO on the Parameter dialog