Use Error Events to handle exceptions or errors in a process by doing some action. It is represented as an Icon shown below:
Error Events are used to handle the occurrence of errors during the execution of a certain task in the process flow. For example, let's say if a Java Task is executed with errors, user can use Error Event to send an error message.
Error Event can also be used as a boundary event to trigger another event. Error event can execute another node task when an exception occurs in the process. It can be attached to any Activity node task where user would like to be notified of exceptions occurring there.
Error Event Configuration Properties:
Error Configuration panel has one tab to define property.
Setting inside Error Tab is described as below:
The type of exception to be handled.
In Error tab, "Add Exception Row" button to add more exceptions, "Delete" button to remove an existing exception. "Open Mapping Parameter" button is used to map parameters of exception node task. When click Open Mapping Parameter button, the system will redirect user to Mapping Parameter screen and the user can click Mapping Parameter Input line or Mapping Parameter Output line to set mapping parameter for this Error eventTask.
Note: User must click "Save Panel" to save all configuration changes.
Boundary Events on Process Template Diagram can be used as a Triggering Events. It consists of 2 types - Timer and Error
Use Timer Events to determine the maximum time allowed for processing a task. It is represented as a small Timer watch icon as below.
Timer events are used to specify the processing time limits for any Node task. It can be used as a start event, intermediate event or boundary event. When a timer attached task goes over time, it allows the process to perform some action.
For Example, let's say a process is submitted to a Human Node Task, which is being monitored by Timer event. If the task is not taken care of or completed as per scheduled, then Timer event can be used to send an email to Manager/ Responsible Work Party head of such halted human node.
Timer Configuration Properties
Timer Configuration panel has one tab to define property:
All Settings inside Timer tab are described as below:
Time Duration
To specify the maximum time duration for a task.
Time Unit
Type of time unit.
Select checkbox if you want that task to terminate on exceeding time.
Note: User must click "Save Panel" to save all configuration changes.