Sometime parameter mappings need additional condition to be executed before mapping. You can map the entire business objects or individual parameters between the input and output along with user defined conditions. User can set those conditions on the parameter mapping link using Formula Editor, if required.
Open Mapping Parameter page.
To set condition to a parameter mapping using Formula Editor, double click on mapping link on the Mapping Parameter screen. System will open the Formula Editor panel for user to set condition. On the Formula Editor panel, user can drag different process parameters and mathematical operators and String functions to create the condition. These String functions are available on the Formula editor only on the mapping screen.
Click Save button, once you complete the condition and go back to Mapping Parameter screen.
To create the condition for the Inclusive or Exclusive gateway, users may need to use mathematical operators and process parameters. For simplicity, the Process Designer has a graphical tool for creating condition - Formula Editor. You can create conditions using Mathematical operators and Business Objects. Formula Editor tool is shown when user creates a condition of link out of an Inclusive or an Exclusive gateway, or when user creates condition for parameter mapping.
Formula Editor panel has Mathematical Objects and Business Objects for setting condition. User can drag a mathematical object or a business object to Formula Panel to create condition.
Mathematical Objects consists of mathematical symbols are as follows.
+ operator used to add two values.
- operator used to subtract two values.
x operator used to multiply two values.
/ operator used to divide two values.
T This Character is used to add a value to a condition. User can set T to either text or numbers. If the user want T to be a string value then user should set it as "XXX". If user wants T to be a number then user should set it to X.
( is to start parentheses.
) is to end parentheses.
== operator used to compare two values to check they are equal.
!= operator used to compare two values that are not equal to.
> operator used to compare two values for greater than.
>= operator used to compare two values for greater than or equal to.
< is the operator used to compare two values for less than.
<= operator used to compare two values for less than or equal to.
&& logical operator used to compare two value by AND logic.
|| logical operator used to compare two value by OR logic.
! operator used to negate a condition.
Business Objects can have different parameters. Business Objects is used to pass the input and output parameters to the process Activity Nodes.
When the user creates condition successfully, system would show condition at the bottom of Formula Panel, and user can review and click on Save button to save condition.
When an Inclusive gateway or Exclusive gateway is used in a process, user need to set condition to each of the links out of the gateways. The condition of the link out of gateway can be configured using Formula Editor.
Open Gateway Parameter panel.
User can click on the Condition button on configuration panel to open the Formula Editor panel. On the Formula Editor panel, user can drag different process parameters and mathematical operators to create the condition. Once the condition is created, click Save button to save the condition and go back to the configuration panel.