ONEWEB provides a CI server as an add-on feature to build mobile apps on the cloud. The user needs to pay the licensing fee and get the CI server key from the ONEWEB Team.
Once the user has the key, the user can attach it to his server as a global CI Server or attach it to one particular application as a local CI Server. If the key is attached to a global CI Server, any user on that server can build applications using this server. (Used for on-premise systems). For shared ONEWEB cloud users, the key is added to their applications as a local CI Server.
Now, the user can build unsigned Android applications. But for building signed apk and also for building IPA, the user needs to fill in the details of the apple developer account and information or google service account and Keystore details.
User can add a CI Server key as a Global Key or a Local Server Key.
Add Server as Global CI Server
Step 1: Open Control Panel from PGD Home page
Step 2: Click on Add Server icon
Step 3: Upload CI Server key you received from Avalant.
Step 4: Enter the server name.
Step 5: Click on Save button.
Step 6: User can see the added Server in the list of CI Servers.
Step 7: Click close button to go back to Page Designer home page.
How to add this CI Server to user application
Step 8: Please go to Settings tab in Page Designer Home.
Step 9: Choose the Services option.
Step 10: Choose the server from under the global servers available.
Note: User can also choose to Add server locally to one Page Application by clicking on the +Add Server icon at the bottom of Server selection box.
Step 11: User can see the selected service added to the application.
Step 12: Click on Check Service button to check Server status.
Step 13: Click Save to save the settings.
To build the app for uploading to PlayStore or AppStore, user needs to configure the app details in the Deployment tab in Page Designer. Inside Deployment, user has two tabs for iOS applications and Android application. User can fill data in both to build both apk and ipa versions of the app.
There is also provision to upload a promo video or add screenshots for the app.
For AppStore, user needs to upload the certificates for development & distribution. Also the AppSptore details from Apple developer account.