How to use Search The Search field is used to search and filter the tables on the side menu.
Hide Tables The hide/show icon on the tables is to hide or show a table from the design panel.
Toolbar Menus Data Designer provides a list of controls on the toolbar at the top.
To Save the changes on the Data Designer. When undo the auto save changes the undo s can go back to the last save using this Save button.
To stamp a version in the ER Diagram. Once you create different versions user can use the compare Schema tool inside the Database tools to compare the changes across versions.
To select the elements on the diagram panel for editing.
To scroll the designer panel to move along the panel.
To collapse the tables. There are three levels of collapse, 1. Level that shows the full structure (This is the default level). 2. Collapse to show only table name and keys. 3. Collapse to show only table name. The level of current collapse is also shown in the toolbar.
To open the magnifying glass feature at the mouse point on the panel to magnify any portion of the diagram.
To toggle the grid layout on the design panel. User also has option to set the grid dimensions.
Select entity and click on the design panel to add a new Entity to the ER Diagram. On the right hand side the properties panel will open to configure the entity and columns.
To configure the relationship between entities by adding links.
To create new group to group a set of entities.
To add a new Label to the ER Diagram.
To add new sticky notes to the Diagram panel.
Zoom in
To magnify the Diagram panel
Zoom %
Displays current zoom level
Zoom out
To zoom out the Diagram panel
Transfer Controls
To transfer the ER Diagram in and out of the Design panel. Data Designer provides multiple options for transfer both in and also out.
POS Engine
To change the default Database Engine to be used for transfer
To configure connection and also to open existing connection. The icon also shows the status of current connection.
To exit from current Diagram panel.
Transfer Controls The transfer control provides the following options. The transfer From Database is enabled only if there is an active connection.
Under Import, there are two options currently provided by the Data Designer - From XML and From Database. User can import to Data Designer from an XML file which is ideally an export from another Data Designer. Or the user has to follow the template to create the XML for import.
Users can use the import from database option if there is an active connection. If the user chooses the Import from the database and if there are manually created entities then again there are two types of import - Merge and Replace. Users can choose to merge or replace the data from the database.
Data Designer also provides the option to export to PDF, or image files. Users can also use it to generate SQL statements (DDLs) or an XML file.
When generate as SQL statements user might need to map the columns from ER Diagram to specific data types in the database. For this, the Data Designer provides the Column Type mapping feature
Users can preset the data types for different database engines. POS Engine setting
Data Designer provides an option to choose the database engine type and version to be used as the default engine for generating SQL.
Users can connect to a particular database connection from the connection control. It has also the option to configure a new Connection. Please go through the Connection configuration in SQL Builder to learn about how to configure a new connection. Entity Properties Window When a user selects a particular entity for edit, the Entity Properties window will open.
Locate The location icon is to locate a particular table on the design panel.The links also have the locate icon.
Connection Control
ONEWEB now provides a Designer tool to design the data model for your application. Users can design the model from scratch by creating the entities, columns, and adding relationships or they can import an existing schema from your database into the Data Designer.
This Data Design is the starting point for using the other Database Designer Tools as well.
From version ONEWEB provides a feature to design application schema using the ER Diagram designer tool. Users can design new tables and relationships as well as import existing schema for re-engineering. From version we have added SQL Builder and Data Viewer tools as well to the list of Database Tools. Now ONEWEB provides
Data Designer - To design application schema
SQL Builder - To help generate SQL queries without knowing SQL syntax
Data Viewer - To view database tables and structures
ONEWEB provides utility to compare two versions of the schema. The utility is available under the Tools section in the Database Tools menu.
Inside the compare schema utility, the user can choose to create a new comparison by selecting the source and target ER Diagram and versions.
When execute the system will open the comparison analysis screen.
Open the application and choose the ‘Data Designer’ menu
Click the icon ‘Create Diagram Designer’ to open the modal window.
Give some name and click on the ‘Create ER-Diagram’ button
Create Data Diagram success. Click on the icon ‘Start design diagram’ to open the ER Diagram
Once the user opens the project he will see the design space.
Inside the Diagram Designer project, you can find a Side Menu
In the Side Menu there are the following options:
Search box - to search and filter elements from your side menu Table - to view the Entities/ tables in your data model. Link - to view the relationships or links in your data model.
In the Data Designer, the user can design a data model or ER Diagram from scratch or import it from an existing system. To create a new entity user has to choose the Entity icon from the toolbar menu and click and drag on the diagram panel where you want to place the entity.
The new entity will be created there and the Entity Properties window will open on the right-hand side where you can configure your entity properties.
Feature : Entity (General)
Name : To name the table.
Comment : To add details to the table.
Color : To change the color of the table card.
Feature : Entity > (Columns)
Name : To generate column names.
Type : To define the column type.
N (Not null) : To set the column value as not null.
PK (Primary Key) : To define columns as the primary key.
Length : To set the length of the column.
Precision : To set the precision for the number after the decimal.
Default Value : To specify the default value of the column.
Auto Increment : To assign a column to be incremented automatically every time the data is inserted
Delete : To delete columns.
Feature : Entity > (Indexes & Unique key constraints)
Users can use this section to specify the unique constraints or index keys for the table. It will not show on the design diagram , but will be generated during the DDL generation process.
Feature: Entity > (Node Problem)
Errors : To show errors.
Warning : To show a warning.
Feature: Entity (Preview SQL (DDL))
To generate the DDL for the table
Feature: Entity (Delete)
To delete the entity or table
Create & Manage Low code Applications in ONEWEB using AppSpace
AppSpace is the Control Center in ONEWEB, from where you can create & manage the multiple components that constitute your application. It provides all the tools to create, manage, build and deploy an enterprise application in one place. Thus, Designers and Developers can collaborate more efficiently and effectively. Using AppSpace, You can create Smart Forms using App Designer, Web Pages/Mobile apps using Page Designer, business processes using Process Designer, and Microservices or Flows using Microflow Designer, all from AppSpace.
AppSpace also allows easy switching between the different components that constitute an App. It provides added functionality like user management, version management, and single-step deployment which make application life-cycle management much easier.
Icon To add a column.
Icon To expand the column detail section.
To create an application on AppSpace first log in to AppSpace and go to the AppSpace home page.
Click on the Create new app button.
When creating an application, users can create it as a Web Application or a Mobile App. Choose the right platform for your application and enter the details.
Click on Create button. The App is now created on AppSpace.
Click on the App to start creating components in your application. The system will redirect the user to the components page.
Users can click any of the component icons to create a new component. For e.g. to create a new Process click on Create Process icon.
If the user clicks on the Start Design button or the edit icon on the component, the system will redirect the user to the Process Designer.
Likewise, the user can create the various components of his application all under the same App.
User can also create components from the component list screen using the Add New component button.
On the Create Process dialog, enter the process details. Users can click on Create button to simply create an empty process and can choose to start designing later. Alternately, the user can click on the Start Design button to create the process and to start designing now itself. The Permission check box is to enable the application owner to assign this component to his developer team selectively. To know more about how to assign permission to a component to another user please refer to section .
If the user chooses to click on Create. The system will create the process and display the list of components to the user. Users can later click on the edit icon to start working on the process.
SQL Builder is a Designer Tool provided by ONEWEB to create SQL queries without knowledge of any SQL syntax, by simply choosing the columns from tables in your ER Diagram. Since the SQL Builder is based on the ER Diagram, the user has to first generate the database structure using ER Diagram. Users can either create it from scratch or import an existing schema from the database onto the ER Diagram Designer.
Once the user has a valid Diagram, he/she can start building SQL queries on that.
Open application and choose the ‘Data Designer’ menu
Click the icon ‘Create SQL-Builder’ to open the modal window. To create, Enter the name and click on ‘Create SQL-Builder’
Create SQL-Builder success. Click on the icon ‘Start design SQL-Builder’ to open the SQL builder project
Once the user opens the project, they can see the design space.
Inside the SQL Builder project, you can find a Side Menu
In the Side Menu there are the following options:
Search box - to search and filter elements from your side menu
Connection - to manage connections
My ER-Diagram - to view the ER Diagrams in your app and include the tables in Design Panel.
My Query - to view the other queries in your app and include the query in Design Panel.
Side Menu can be closed by clicking on the icon for ‘AppSpace’
Users can expand the My ER Diagram Menu on the left-hand side to choose the ER Diagram and the tables to be used in the SQL query. Drag and drop the table from the left panel onto the design diagram to start building the query.
Once the user drag and drop the table into the design panel, it will show all the columns in that table in the design panel.
Users can also see the other SQL Builder projects in their app on the side menu under My Query. Users can drag and drop another builder project to the design panel to use it as a sub query. It will show the output of that query as a table in the design panel.
SQL Builder also has a configuration panel that shows the current SQL configuration which is being built
It has the following tabs
Columns : Displays the field or columns that are selected from the table for running the query.
Union List : To configure union with another query.
Join List : Displays the different joins between tables in the query.
Query : Displays the output SQL query from the builder.
Data : In this panel, user can execute the SQL command to get sample data if a valid connection is present.
It also has the following submenu in the columns tab.
Columns Tab Columns that are selected in the design panel will show in the columns tab and users can add additional configurations to them if they want.
If offers the following features
Select: Select to include the columns in the select clause or un-select as required User can also delete the column tab by clicking at icon ‘x’
Function: To add SQL functions to the select columns like Min, Max, Count, etc.
Distinct: To set a column value as distinct in select.
Column: To display the name of selected columns.
Alias: To configure alias name for a select phrase.
Object: Schema Name and Table name
Group by: For selecting the column to be used in group by claus
Having: For setting the condition for group_by clauses
Sort: To include the column in the sort clause.
Sort Type: To set sort by ascending or descending.
Union List Tab When you have more than one SQL project in your application, you can join them together to form complex queries. The union tab allows users to configure the union with another SQL builder project that is selected and dragged to the design panel.
Join List Tab To configure the join condition for the SQL query.
Query Tab To generate the SQL query from all the configurations.
Data Tab To execute the SQL query generated against a valid connection and view the result set from the database. The current version retrieves only the first 5 records from the result set.
Click on the + Condition to specify the condition
New : To generate a new concatenated column in the generated query
Exit : Exit from the project
Save : Save project
Condition wizard : Configure condition
New Concatenated column . To add a new column in the select clause as a concatenated string of multiple columns. Users can choose the object or table and then choose the columns that need to be concatenated.
Exit To exit from the current SQL Builder project.
Save To save the current SQL Builder configurations.
Condition Wizard To add condition statements to the SQL. User can add where conditions as well as group conditions.
Data Viewer is the tool provided by ONEWEB to interact with databases directly from the ONEWEB platform. Users do not need another Database tool to connect and view the data from the database. Users can use this tool to browse the database objects, see data from tables, run queries, and do every other thing that you do with a simple database visualizing tool.
Inside SQL Builder ONEWEB also provides an option to connect to the database and run the query to verify. Users can find the Connection option on the Side Menu
Click on the Connection, it opens the dialog to configure New Connection or you can use an existing connection in your application.
How to use Existing Connection Users can choose to select the connection by choosing the Database, then choose a server, and finally select database schema by clicking on ‘set active’.
Once the connection is successful, the user can see the server info updated on the Connection menu.
Users can expand the connection and browse for the tables. Click on ‘Connection’, then click the database name and then the schema name.
How to confgure New Connection : Click on the New Connection button.
Now follow the wizard through the following steps.
Database Engine : Select Database Engine
Connection Detail
Database driver: User can choose from existing drivers or upload a new driver version. User also has a sample driver attached here to download and use.
Once the configuration is complete, the user can test it by using the Test option. If the alert message shows success, then it means an SQL Builder can connect already.
Click the close button in an alert box and click Save & Done button.
Once the new connection is successfully created, it will be shown in the list of available connections. The user can edit and delete by clicking on the icon beside the connection name.
Open the application and choose the Database menu. Click on the Data Viewer menu under Tools.
System will open the Data Viewer screen for you.
The Data Viewer screen has two types of menu - the Toolbar and the Sidebar. The sidebar has the search and filter option and is used to browse the connections and tables. The toolbar menu has the controls to interact with the data.
Enter the database details.
Choose the Database Driver details. The user has an option to upload a new driver version on this screen.
Once the configuration is completed, the user can test the connection using the Test button. If a test is successful then the user can click Save & Done.
The user can also access this connection from the list of existing connections.
Expand the connections to view the schema and table details in the sidebar. The user can double click on a table to fetch the data from that table.
Users can also add search and filter conditions in the search field to filter the records.
Each column name also has the sort by ascending or descending options as well.
The Data Viewer also shows the total number of records fetched and the count of fetches at the bottom of the records panel.
How to generate SQL from the tables Data Viewer also provides an option to generate basic SQL Statements from the records. Users can choose Insert statement, Update or Delete Statement.
AppSpace provides in built Snapshot feature to manage the versions of your App. AppSpace have options for a Full Snapshot or a Patch Snapshot. To see how to create different snapshots follow the below steps.
The very first version of an App is always a Full Snapshot. Go to snapshot screen and click on the 'Take a snapshot' icon.
Enter the details on the Create snapshot modal
The system creates the first version of the App
From now the user can create both full snapshots and patches.
Users can also restore Snapshot from the Snapshot detail page using the Restore Snapshot button
The most critical part of AppSpace is the integrated CI / CD through the Pipeline feature. Users can continuously develop, take snapshots and then deploy the components to the target environment all with the click of a button. Different types of pipelines are supported on Appspace.
Deploy applications developed on ONEWEB
Run Database scripts on the target server
Deploy page snapshot
Deploy microflow snapshot
Deploy process snapshot
Deploy form snapshots
Deploy jars or war files on the target JBoss server
Add DataSources on the target JBoss server
Deploy on Kubernetes.
Deploy kubernetes containers Run
Database scripts on the target server
Deploy jars or war files on the target JBoss server
Add DataSources on the target JBoss server
Manage ONEWEB users on the server
Create IAM user
Run Database scripts on the target server.
How to Create New Connection There is the New Connection icon on the Sidebar to open the Create Connection Wizard. The User needs to follow the steps to create the database connection just like in the Designer Tools.
The key icon allows user to set the Identity key columns for saving edits.
How to run custom queries against a database using Data Viewer Data Viewer also provides a Script window to write and execute custom SQL queries against the database. Click on the Script icon on the toolbar to open the Script window. Users can write custom SQL queries in this window. First, click on the connection icon to choose a connection. Users can choose from the available connections in this app. Once the connection is valid the connection icon will turn green. Now user can click on the Run icon to execute the query against the database connection.
When the user chooses Patch, the system will display a window for the user to select the components to be included in the patch. Users can choose all the components that are part of that version or the patch by clicking on the icon by the side of the respective component.
Once the patch is created, the user can see the components inside a patch by clicking on the icon.
Data Viewer provides the below set of controls on the Sidebar
Back to main menu
To return to the Main menu
To Search Table
Enter a table name to search
Delete Search
Delete the search word
Search icon
Click to search a table
To configure a new connection
Edit Connection
To edit existing connection
Delete Connection
To delete an existing connection
Data Viewer provides the following set of tools on Toolbar to work with the records fetched from database.
When user edits data within a table, save icon will be enabled, making it possible to save the edits.
When editing data within a table cancel icon will be enabled, making it possible to cancel the edits.
To open a Script window where SQL statements can be executed by connecting to a database.
To generate SQL statement from database records. Can be generated as Insert, Update or Delete statement.
When open tables to view records, New icon will be enabled. To Create new rows to add data.
When open tables to view records duplicate icon will be enabled. Select the rows you want to duplicate.
When open tables to view records delete icon will be enabled. Select the rows you want to delete
When open tables to view records First icon will be enabled. When click the First icon, the first row is highlighted and screen scrolls to the first row.
When open tables to view records Previous icon will be enabled. Select a row and click the Previous icon. The previous row will be highlighted.
When open tables to view records Next icon will be enabled. Select a row and click the Next icon. The next row will be highlighted.
When open tables to view records Last icon will be enabled. When click the Last icon, the last row is highlighted and screen scrolls to the last row.
To Edit cell data
When collaborating between different people to create an application, the most important thing for seamless development is to have a clear-cut division of work and responsibility. AppSpace allows users to achieve it through the Development Team access management screen.
The admin can manage the existing roles or create new roles from under the Access Control Menu.
When the admin adds a new role, the admin can choose the permissions and objects to be associated with that role.
All the components for which the permission is enabled can be viewed under the Object Component section on Access Control.
Once the roles and components are ready, the application owner can create a team and assign the roles and permissions. Use Add Developer button to add more users to the team.
When adding more team members, the admin can assign the roles and any additional permissions and objects to the team member.
Permissions can be used to restrict access at the module level or at the component level. For example, a user with access to only Forms, cannot view, create or edit the other module components of the App. They will have access to only view, edit or create forms. Also, they can view only the forms for which permission is not enabled.
But if the Forms have permission enabled on them, then only the user to whom the forms are assigned can view or edit them.
For e.g. If Permission is enabled on the UserRegistrationApproval Form, then the user with access to Forms can view/edit only the RegistrationMonitor Form by default.
For a user to have access to the UserRegistrationApproval form, it has to be specifically granted to the user. The admin can edit the user roles to add additional permissions.
ONEWEB Pipeline also provides services to provision new containers on Kubernetes clusters or deploy middleware to existing application servers. The different services available under this section are as follows:
Deploy Kubernetes containers.
Run Database script.
Deploy jars/war to application server.
Add datasources on application server.
User can deploy other containerized applications to the Kubernetes cluster using the 'Deploy Kubernetes' service provider. In the deploy Kubernetes pipeline type user can also attach the yaml files for creating the Kubernetes object type.
Under the Manage User pipeline type, admin can create users on IAM and also add roles to users using the different services in the IAM provider.
ONEWEB provides built-in Pipeline to deploy the complete application or even parts of an application to another server runtime. For e.g. user can choose to deploy only microflow or user can deploy only page to the UAT or SIT environment using pipeline.
ONEWEB Pipeline provides different types of service provider for deploying different component type.
Deploy Microflow.
Deploy Pages.
Deploy Business Process.
Deploy Smart Forms.
Run Database script.
Deploy jars/war to application server.
Add datasources on application server.
To deploy an application created on ONEWEB to another environment, the basic steps are as shown below.
Step 1. Design the pipeline for your application deployment. To design the pipeline, go to the Deployment and Distribution menu in AppSpace.
Step 2. Choose Pipeline Type as 'Deploy Application'. Enter details including environment configuration and secrets.
Step 3. Create the stages for deploying the various components that are part of your application. The user has to add one stage each for deploying each component type to the target runtime. For e.g., one stage for deploying microflow snapshot and another for deploying pages from the snapshot. Users need to input both the environment properties as well as the runtime host server path. The runtime host path is mandatory and needs to be correct.
Step 4. Complete all stages for the pipeline.
Step 5. Once you design the pipeline, you can go ahead and execute it every time you need to deploy your app to the target server. For this use Execute pipeline option.
Step 6. The Final step is to verify the deploying of the modules. Go to the Deployment History menu. Click on the ... icon. Users can check the real-time logs in the view menu.
Step 7. Once complete the pipeline the status is shown as below.
Deployment Center will deploy the components in the snapshot version to the selected pipeline runtime environment. Users can monitor the progress on the screen. If any error occurs, the user can see the error details from the log output.
Users can add several additional stages to the pipeline to execute different scenarios. To run the database script as part of the pipeline stage, the list of properties is different. Currently, this stage supports only Postgres driver as shown in the default value.
The stage properties for deploying jar or war files to the JBoss server are as shown below.
The stage properties for adding a data source to the JBoss server are as follows.
User can also pass data from one stage to next using syntax {{sid.variable_name}}
AppSpace promotes collaboration between users to create an enterprise application. App owners can set permission at the module level or even at the component level for different users. AppSpace provides the Application settings menu for this.
There are two types of Application Settings - one for the End Users of the Application and another for the Development team. The owner or admin can set up permission and roles for the end-user as well as for the development team. This enables the owner to tightly control who has access to which component or what role. The admin or owner of the App can go to the Application Settings and manage his Development Team by adding more members to his App and assigning the roles.
ONEWEB comes with built-in support for distributing Dedicated apps in the marketplace
Go to Distribute App Page and click Create Distribute button
Insert all Information and select platform type, Presently pipeline provides Web Application platform and Micro Web Application platform, Click Create when the filling information is complete.
System will display setting Distribution Application page
Select the pipeline created in the step deploy application in pipeline name and select version snapshot in snapshot version then click create button.
Then click download button, System will generate file zip to download, Now you will receive file distribute application.
Click save file and this file user can upload and distribute app on Market Place
ONEWEB has the option to support multiple languages on its designers. AppSpace also supports the different languages. Currently, it supports English and Thai. To switch the language on AppSpace, go to the setting icon on the bottom left panel on AppSpace.
There is an option to change the language to English, Thai, or Japanese
It is very important in any web application to correctly define access to each area of your application. If you need to restrict end-user access to specific areas, or operations in a web application, you must validate their permissions using roles and provide control access to screens, screen elements or actions, as required. In the ONEWEB platform, this can be achieved through the End User Access Management screen under the Application Setting menu.
Application owners can create various roles with various levels of access from the Add Role option on the Roles screen. To restrict end-user access to the screens of the application, the admin user must create permission objects for each screen and then add the appropriate permission and screen objects to the roles.
Once the roles are created, the application owner can assign the appropriate roles to each of the end-user to manage access.
Set Context-root url and Pipeline for deploy App, User can set pipeline for deploy app by click at icon
All the details regarding the application can be retrieved from the AppDetail Page under the Settings menu. It shows the Application details, the associated component designers, the IAM system ID, and the system secret for both the developer application and the end-user application. Only the admin user or the application owner will have access to this information.
Note: The AppSpace application id and the designer tools application id might differ in the case of Linked applications.
This information is important to set up a login using IAM2 on the application.
This page also has the option to Delete the application.
Sometimes while creating a new application any errors might prevent you from creating the applications completely on the component designer tools. Such applications might appear with a broken link icon on the home page.
In that case, the user can recreate the missing component designer applications from the AppDetail page.
The broken component designer applications will be shown with a toolbar icon in the AppDetail.
Users can click on the icon to create fresh component applications from AppSpace.
In the earlier versions of AppSpace (from ONEWEB to users could create the components only from the AppSpace. If any component is created on individual designers, then they needed to be manually migrated to view them from AppSpace.
But from version, ONEWEB allows users to create components inside the individual component designers. For e.g. users can click on the create new page or Add more pages button or clone existing pages to create new page inside Page Designer. Similarly, users can import microflow and process to create new microflow or process in the Process Designer and Microflow Designer respectively. Users have option to create, clone or import entities on the App Designer as well.
Once the new components are created, users can navigate to AppSpace to Link these additional components in AppSpace.
There are two ways to link. Click on the Link icon on the Component home page
Select the Link option from the Add New drop down
Once the user clicks on the Link button, the user can select the components to link back to AppSpace. Ideally, all components should be linked from AppSpace. This is important as only from AppSpace you can set the permissions on every component. This is especially true for Page components.
Once the components are selected, click on the Link button. The components can now be managed from AppSpace.
Before the introduction of AppSpace, users used the four main components of the ONEWEB platform, namely App Designer, Process Designer, Page Designer, and Microflow Designer. Users used to create each component under separate applications as and when they were needed. AppSpace brought these components under a single application inside AppSpace.
So how do we migrate the older applications created before AppSpace to the current format? For this purpose, AppSpace has come up with the Link Application feature. Using this feature, users can create an AppSpace application linking the different applications under individual component designers. Users can find the Link Application button on the home page of AppSpace in versions till
In version ONEWEB and above, the Link Application is available inside the Create New Options
In the Link Application dialog, users can create a new AppSpace application similar to creating a new application.
But it also has the option to search old applications under each component designer as well.
Choose the individual applications you want to link and click on the Link button. The new AppSpace application will be created for you, linking the existing applications under component designers.
When you go inside the applications, you can see the components from the old component designers already added to the application.
User can rename application since version The rename feature is available for the user in the Application Setting Menu --> App Details sub-menu. Users can click on the Rename button, Side bar for rename will display on the left.
In addition user can edit abbreviation description and namespace after edit click at rename application for save.
From ONEWEB version, AppSpace provides cloud-native support for enabling containerized applications.
The first step of working with Cloud Native is to register your cloud service account with Cloud Native. Go to the Cloud Native menu icon on the left menu bar.
To register your cloud service account, you need the kube config details for your kubernetes cluster. There is a provision to test the connection to your cluster to verify the details.
Once the cloud service is running, the user can create the other object types on your kubernetes cluster.
The Second step is to create the environment variables as a config map or secret. This step is optional.
The third step is to create a suitable namespace for running your application cluster.
The next step is to create the storage. Users can choose volume on the host or from cluster storage. Users can create storage as Read, Write Once, Read-Only Many, and Read Write Many. There is also an option to step limit.
The Fifth step is to create the deployment. There are multiple options to set add volume claim, add config map, specify ports, specify the number of replicas, and also set a limit for CPU and memory.
The last and final step is to create the service for your deployment.
Once your service is started, the system will show the exposed node port URL to access your service.
In version and before, users cannot export applications from AppSpace as a whole. Instead, the user has to go to each component application separately and then export them separately using the export option in the component designers. But from version ONEWEB provides a feature to export the entire application as a whole using the Export feature on AppSpace. Users can also choose to export individual components as before.
The export option is available for the user in the Application Setting Menu --> App Details sub-menu. Users can click on the Export button in the Application section to export the entire application as a whole.
Users can also export the individual component using the download icon in the Designer Tools section as shown below.
For exporting forms from App Designer (AD) users still have to navigate to the App Designer and export forms individually.
In version and before, the user cannot import applications to AppSpace. Instead, the user has to import each component application separately and then link them together using the Link Application feature. But from version ONEWEB provides a feature to import the entire application as a whole using the Import feature on AppSpace.
Users can upload the application file on the Import application dialog box as shown below.
You can drag and drop the application file exported from another environment to the upload dialog to import it to this environment. It can be a complete application file or it can be a single component file. Both options are supported in this feature.
If the application is an exiting application in the same environment user will get the option to create a New Application or overwrite the existing application. Users can use this feature to create clones of existing applications.
Users can also choose component files separately from the application file.
If the file is not a valid AppSpace application file, the user will get an error like shown below.