With version ONEWEB provides a very powerful feature to create custom activity nodes and use these custom nodes in your microflow or share them with other users. These custom nodes are called extensions. These extensions can be a simple node to query your internal database, or a complicated proprietary node to connect to a blockchain server as well. Users can create the extension once and then use it in every application by installing the extension to the application. Users can also share their extensions with other ONEWEB users. Once the ONEWEB MarketPlace is up, users can even sell their extensions in the MarketPlace.
Please Note: The process to create an extension is the same in both Process Designer as well as Microflow Designer. So please follow the details on how to create and install extensions as given in Section Custom Extensions. Once an extension jar is built, the same jar can be installed on both Process Designer and Microflow Designer.
Once the custom extension is installed on an application in Microflow, users can use the extension node just like any other activity node in Microflow by simply dragging and dropping the node to the canvas and configuring the properties.