Access Management Pure and unpolluted data is the core of a successful business. To ensure you maintain the purity of data, you have to control who has access to what application/data. For example, you may tightly protect the company's financial information, but widely share the list of services or products offered.
ONEWEB uses schemas and security domains to control access to data and to restrict the use of various database resources.
ONEWEB provides easy access to data from its UX/ UI components. This section explains the procedure to access data using Smart Form and Page.
ONEWEB provides easy data access nodes to access data as a micro-service. This section explains the procedure to access data as a service using the Database node in your microflow.
App Designer provides you with built-in connectors to access the database. Users can configure the data source and schema in the Datasource Configuration screen.
The user can then choose to set this data source at the entity configuration
Once the entity is linked to a data source, the user can then proceed to map the different modules to the tables in that schema and then map the fields to the columns. All the CRUD operations to the database will be managed by ONEWEB.
Select the table to be mapped in Module Configuration
Select the column name that you want to map to save the data and also search data for "Name"
Enable the property SearchCriteria for fields that you want to use as Search Criteria and enable ShowSearch for fields that you want to see as a result of searching.
To enable table search, add Buttons to trigger Search Action Drag and drop the Entity button and select ENTITY_SEARCH for page action & searchResult() for button action.
Box (1) shows the SearchCriteria and box (2) shows the ShowSearch
To enable Insert and Update of the table add Buttons to trigger Save Action Drag and drop the Entity button and select saveEntity() as button action. The other options available are saveDraftEntity() to save and return to the same screen i.e. within the open entity and saveEntityCommit() to save the transaction with commit
select ENTITY_INSERT as page action for insert page (create new)
select ENTITY_UPDATE as page action for update page (update existing)
To map module to a table Click on the edit icon to open the module configuration screen
To map field to a column of that table Click on the edit icon to open Field Configuration for the text field "Name"
Create an Access Baseline. Generate a baseline of current access levels and controls in place.
Tie access controls by environment and by the system.
Segregate Duties by Roles. The point of this policy is to split up access rights so that one person does not have access to multiple sections.
Apply the principle of Least Access. The doctrine says, "if you don't need to work with it, you shouldn't have access to it."
Proper auditing and tracking of user activities.
Monitor unusual activities
Control remote access.
ONEWEB provides easy data access nodes to access data from its Process components. This section explains the procedure to access data using the Database node from your process.
When working on enterprise application, sometimes it is needed to read or write files e.g. writing reports in filesystem. Let’s quickly go through how to read or write files and documents in ONEWEB.
Data Access Management is a set of processes and technologies used to control access to applications or data. It involves the creation of groups or roles with defined access privileges and then controlling access by defining group memberships. These processes run on the information security principle of “least privilege” (or “least authority”), which states that each user must only be able to access the information or resources necessary for their job. Data access management enables the organization to maintain a secure environment that not only prevents unauthorized usage, but also averts data breaches that can break customer trust and cause financial penalties.
The resources on which you generally assign permissions include the following: Applications Databases Server files/images
ONEWEB App Designer provides the upload field to attach images and documents to the Smart Form. For more information on Upload Field please check Upload Field. Page Designer currently does not provide any out-of-box fields to add documents to web pages. But users can use a custom JavaScript function to add upload fields to the web pages. Page Designer does support images - both static and dynamic. Page Designer can read an image as a Base64 format string from the database using Microflow and display it on the web page.
There are two ways to access the database from a page created using the page designer.
Integrating with Microflow.
Using Local database only for mobile application
Access Database from Page using Microflow. Microflow provides a database node for accessing data from the database. You can configure the connection type and the command for interacting with DB like insert, update, select or delete data.
After preparing Microflow, Integrate Page with Microflow. Read the steps from Page Integration with Microflow. Once the page is integrated, it can interact with the database through microflow.
Access Database from Page using Local Database option The following example shows how to query data from the local database to show on the screen.
First, create the table on the local database and prepare data. Read the steps to create a table from the Local database. (You can link the local database to database server to sync the data from server to local database)
Go to the page where you want to display this data. Select PageContent level and then configure the action to query data as shown in the image below.
Save the page and use Play me to see the results.
ONEWEB uses two different database structures for the development environment and for user acceptance or production environment. The development environment should install all schema as the designers have features for preview or simulation and hence need to insert them into the runtime schema. But for user acceptance environment or production we recommended that you install only the runtime schema.
Schema Description
For application form configurations
For designing the data for the application
To store information about server, environment and services for deployment process
To store project information, components, members and permission information.
To store user data, roles, object & permission for each system.
To store microflow configurations
To store process instance during process execution.
To store process configurations, work party, role and user for the business process.
To store graph configurations to generate dashboard for the application.
To store configurations for the web pages or mobile application
Process Designer provides a Database Activity node for accessing data from the database. You can configure the connection type and the command for interacting with DB like insert, update, select or delete data. Follow the below steps to configure your database activity.
First, create the Input/Output process parameter
Drag and drop the Database node into your process flow. This example shows a process with only database activity. So, drop your database node between the start and end node and then link it between the Start node and the End node
Double click on the Database node to open the configurations panel.
Click the BusinessObject tab and choose the Business Object from the list for input and output
Click the Database parameter tab. Users can set the database connection either using JNDI or JDBC connection setting.
Map the Activity parameter to the Database parameter for input and output.
Save the process.
You can now test the flow using the Simulator Utility
Enter the value of the input (using double quote) to get output then click Start.
Database node access data from the database and display the queried data on the screen.
Microflow Designer provides a Database node for accessing data from the database. You can configure the connection type and the command for interacting with DB like insert, update, select or delete data. Follow the below steps to configure your database activity.
First, create the Input/Output process parameter
Drag and drop the Database node. This example shows a flow with only a database node. So drop your database node between the start and end node and then link it between the Start node and the End node
Double click on the Database node to open the configurations panel.
Click the BusinessObject tab and choose the Business Object from the list for input and output
Click the Database parameter tab. Users can set the database connection either using JNDI or JDBC connection setting.
Map the Activity parameter to the Database parameter for input and output.
Save the process.
You can now test the flow using the Simulator Utility
Enter the value of the input to get output then click Start.
Database node access data from the database and display the queried data on the screen
For Excel, XML, delimited, or fixed-width files, there is a File Read node to read files in both Process Designer and Microflow. But it does not support images or files and documents in other formats. So, if your application needs to read a file or write a file in the other formats, in Process Designer or Microflow, you can use Java Task to access the file.
The configuration for the Java node is as follows.
Read File You have to write the java code to read the file and convert the byte[] of the file to a string. Define the return value of the function as a string. Now you have to export it as a jar file and upload that jar file to Process Designer or Microflow. Do the mapping of the return value of the function to Process Designer or Microflow also. The sample code is given below.
Mapping Parameter:
Write File You have to write the java code to write the file. Define the argument value of the function as a string to receive the file and convert that string to byte[], later you can write the byte[] of the file to the path on the server. Now export the jar file and upload that jar file to Process Designer or Microflow. And then do the mapping to pass the argument to the function. The Sample code is given below.
Mapping Parameter:
Image Files Once the image is encoded to Base64 format, ONEWEB can handle it exactly the same way it does a String. As a result, you can save images to data as well as read images from the database by encoding them to base64 format. To read the image as a base64 encoded string, please refer to the sample below:
Mapping Parameter:
Now go to the element on the page which displays this dataset. Click to open Connect to Data Panel on the parent object. Select Datasource as Database and choose the table that you configured on the action flow before.
Click to open Connect to Data Panel on the child object. Select Datasource Database, enable Data from a parent, and select the appropriate Data field.