AppSpace provides in built Snapshot feature to manage the versions of your App. AppSpace have options for a Full Snapshot or a Patch Snapshot. To see how to create different snapshots follow the below steps.
The very first version of an App is always a Full Snapshot. Go to snapshot screen and click on the 'Take a snapshot' icon.
Enter the details on the Create snapshot modal
The system creates the first version of the App
From now the user can create both full snapshots and patches.
Users can also restore Snapshot from the Snapshot detail page using the Restore Snapshot button
When the user chooses Patch, the system will display a window for the user to select the components to be included in the patch. Users can choose all the components that are part of that version or the patch by clicking on the icon by the side of the respective component.
Once the patch is created, the user can see the components inside a patch by clicking on the icon.