This tutorial is written for beginner to intermediate-level systems administrators who may never have installed or configured the ONEWEB application server. Before you begin, you need to be aware of the hardware and software prerequisites for ONEWEB installation.
Given below are the software requirements to install and run ONEWEB on a machine.
Operating System
AIX 7.1 or later
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 7.3 or later
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS or Later
CentOS 7.3 or later
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2016
Solaris 11.3
Application Servers
IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 or later
JBoss EAP 7.0.0 or later
Wildfly 10.1.0 or later
ONEWEB mainly use Java technology. So please check if the Java version on your Application Server is compatible with Java version that ONEWEB use.
ONEWEB v use Java version 8. ONEWEB v5.0.23.05 use Java 17
ONEWEB requires a relational database. It has 2 parts, one for the configuration and another for the transaction data. ONEWEB configuration schemas and application transaction schema can be on separate instances or can be on the same instance depending on your design.
Supported Databases - Given below are the supported database servers
Oracle 11g or later PostgreSQL 9.6. MySQL 5.6 or later DB2 10.5 or later MS SQL Server 2012 or later MariaDB 10.1.22 or later Tibero 6.0 or later
Schemas - ONEWEB requires 9 database schemas for ONEWEB configuration data and 2 schemas for your transaction data
The ONEWEB configuration data schemas are as follows: eaf_master - To store AppDesigner configuration data erp_oneweb - To store AppDesigner transaction data. ONEWEB can use any schema name. This is only a sample name. pd - To store ProcessDesigner
mfd - To store Microflow configurations page - To store PageDesigner configurations bpm - To store Process transaction data asp - To store AppSpace configurations dpc2 - To store Deployment Center configurations iam2 - To store User data and Authorization data for IAM dashboard_widget - To store the widget dashboard configurations survey_rabbit - For storing survey configurations
Tablespaces - We recommend separating table space by at least one schema per one table space.
For best practice we also recommend separating table space for data and table space for index to get the best performance. You fine tune such by following these techniques:
Separate table space for transaction data table and index data table. Separate table space by following the data size of the table. Place table space file in different physical disk.
Data Files - Data File is a physical file of the Table space. One table space needs to have at least one Data File. For designing the Data File please consult your DBA.
Given below are the hardware requirements to install and run ONEWEB on a machine.
Supported Platform
Disk space & File System
Web Server - Requires at least 5 GB of available disk space to install Web Server
Application Server - Requires at least 20 GB of available disk space to install Application Server and ONEWEB
Database Server - Requires at least 10 GB of available disk space to install Database and ONEWEB Master data.
Web Server - Requires at least 4 GB of RAM
Application Server - Requires at least 8 GB of RAM
Database Server - Requires at least 8 GB of RAM
Web Server - Requires at least 1 CPU Cores (Intel CPU) or 1 CPU Cores (IBM Power CPU)
Application Server - Requires at least 2 CPU Cores (Intel CPU) or 1 CPU Cores (IBM Power CPU)
Database Server - Requires at least 2 CPU Cores (Intel CPU) or 1 CPU Cores (IBM Power CPU)
Firewall - ONEWEB supports firewall to enhance your security. Either hardware or software firewall can be used.
Recommended firewall in ONEWEB Architecture is shown in picture below.
Firewall between Internet and DMZ Zone is the most recommended to protect your application and network from the internet. Firewall between DMZ Zone and Internal Network Zone to protect your local network as the second tier from the internet.
As some network security policies may require more firewall added between Application Server and Database Server. ONEWEB also supports that case. But some cases may require firewall policy parameter tuning to prevent database connection problem.
SSL - ONEWEB supports SSL/TLS using Application Server features such as Wildfly, JBoss EAO or IBM WebSphere Application Server. You can configure SSL Certificate at Application Server which commonly supports Self Sign Certificate or Certificate from CA.
Hardware Specification
CPU: x86-64 (Intel or AMD) 1.5 GHz or faster Processor RAM: 8 GB or higher
Software Specification
OS: Windows: Windows 8 or Windows 10 Linux: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS or Later MacOS: OS 10.10 or Later
Web browsers: Google Chrome 60 or higher Mozilla Firefox 57 or higher Microsoft Edge 40 or higher
Git Server To manage customized source code, allow team customization and collaborations, we recommend using Git as the repository and version control system. You can use any Git server to do version control either on cloud or on-premise.
Eclipse To do customization on ONEWEB designed applications, you need Eclipse tool as the code editor for customized code. To download eclipse, please go to http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/ then select Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. We recommend using Mars Version or later with JAVA version 8
TCP/IP Network – A physical TCP/IP network is required for ONEWEB. All Client machines, Web servers, Application Servers, Database servers and Load Balancers communicate using this network. Install at least one network adapter in each computer running ONEWEB.
Load balancing is required whenever two or more Web Servers or Application Servers are used for running ONEWEB in a cluster configuration. Either hardware or software load balancing can be used.