When a user deploys a process, any client who has access to the process can submit jobs to it. Every time a new job is submitted, a process instance is created. But suppose the user modifies the process and deploys the updated process, a new version of the process is created. With older versions of ONEWEB, any live process instances already running will still use the older version of the process, only the new jobs submitted will create process instances as per the new version of process.
But from version, Process Designer provides the utility to migrate existing live process instances to a newer version of the process.
How to migrate a process instance Go to the process instance migration menu.
Choose the source and destination versions of the process
Choose the source and target activity name and click Add Migration button.
System opens the mapping screen to map the parameters. Simply map the parameters by linking the parameters on the left to corresponding ones on the right. Click Done.
Now click on the Save button on the main screen, enter the name for the plan and click Save on the dialog. The migration is created.
Once saved user can view all plans under the 'View All Plan' button.
User can view or edit these plans by clicking on the View button.
User can also export this migration plan to be imported to any runtime environments to migrate the process instances in that environment. When click Export Plan button the file is downloaded into the user's machine as a jar file.
NOTE: Please note that only human tasks can be migrated. Also, if the process has a sub process, the sub process needs to be migrated separately.
How to import the migration plan to a runtime environment? Once a migration plan is created, user can export the migration plan from the designer and import to the runtime environment using the API Gateway screen provided by the BPM server.
Go to the Migration tab under the BPMREST services API Gateway screen (https://<>/BPMREST/)
Click on Import Migration button to import your migration plan
Browse the migration plan file which was exported from your Process Migration screen in the Designer. Click Import button.
Click on the migration ID to open the plan.
Click on Migrate button to apply this migration plan on the corresponding runtime environment.
Click on the button to map the parameters from the activity in older version to the activity in newer version.