To install the extension, go to the Extensions menu in Process Designer. Click on the Install Extension menu under the Extensions icon.
On the Install Extension page, browse for the jar file you build from the workspace. Click on the Get Class Name button to retrieve the execution class name. Verify the other details retrieved too.
Users can preview the input and output Business Object also by clicking on the View button. Users can see the look and feel of the node also under the Node Extension Heading
Once verified everything, click on the Install Extension button to install the extension. The User will get a confirmation message to save the installation is successful.
Once an extension is enabled, it becomes available for the users to use under the Activity tab. Users can simply drag and drop the activity node to the canvas just like any other activity node and configure the properties.
There is also a Store to manage your extensions in an application. Open the Store Extension menu under the Extensions icon .
In the Store user can enable / disable the different extensions and also delete unwanted ones. Click on the Save button to save the changes to the application.
In Process Designer we have a new Menu to deal with Extensions. Click on the Build Workspace menu under Extensions icon .
Enter the details for your extension
User can also design the look and feel of the custom node while creating the workspace. Drag and drop the custom icon to the 'Browse File' panel to create your custom node icon. And you can change the node background color by clicking on the Node color field. User can preview the look and feel of the nodes under the Node Extension heading.
User can also create the data need to be displayed on the Extension tab as a Json, by clicking on the SET button at Json Generate Form field.
User can also view the different sample configurations in the Example tab.
Once the configurations are entered, user can preview all the details under the Node Extension heading. Once everything is verified, user can click on Build Workspace button to build and download the workspace. The workspace will be downloaded to the user machine as a zip file.
Copy and unzip the workspace downloaded from the Process Designer to a suitable folder. Use any Eclipse-based IDE with maven installed to open the java project and create your implementation. There are three classes that need to be implemented.
NodeExtentionExecute - Override the execute method to include the custom implementation. InputModel - Define the input Business Object for your custom node. OutputModel - Define the output Business Object for your custom node. Supporting classes - You can create other supporting classes as you wish as in any regular java project. But do not change the name or package of the above three classes.
Once complete you can maven build your project to generate the jar file. When the Build is successful, the jar is generated in the target folder.
With version ONEWEB provides a very powerful feature to create custom activity nodes and use these custom nodes in your workflow or share with other users. These custom nodes are called extensions. These extensions can be a simple node to query your internal database, or a complicated proprietary node to connect to a block chain server as well. Users can create the extension once and then use it in every application by installing the extension to the application. Users can also share their extension with other ONEWEB users. Once the ONEWEB MarketPlace is up, users can even sell their extensions in the MarketPlace.
The following section explains how to build a workspace to create your extension, how to build the extension in your workspace and finally how to install the custom extension on an application to use it in the workflow.
Please Note: The same extension jar file can be used in both Process Designer as well as Microflow Designer.