In Process Designer we have a new Menu to deal with Extensions. Click on the Build Workspace menu under Extensions icon .
Enter the details for your extension
User can also design the look and feel of the custom node while creating the workspace. Drag and drop the custom icon to the 'Browse File' panel to create your custom node icon. And you can change the node background color by clicking on the Node color field. User can preview the look and feel of the nodes under the Node Extension heading.
User can also create the data need to be displayed on the Extension tab as a Json, by clicking on the SET button at Json Generate Form field.
User can also view the different sample configurations in the Example tab.
Once the configurations are entered, user can preview all the details under the Node Extension heading. Once everything is verified, user can click on Build Workspace button to build and download the workspace. The workspace will be downloaded to the user machine as a zip file.