There are several additional options you can create for most elements. Below settings are shown in reference to text, but they are applicable for most other elements as well.
Background: Adding colors or image in your text block as background.
Border: Adjust or add border line with properties like width, style, and color of border and border radius.
Opacity: Adjust or add opacity in your text block by using Opacity feature. Opacity is set as100 for text block by default, but you can manually set it from 0-100 as per needs.
Below is an example to compare 50/100 opacity settings for your text block.
Padding and Margin: Adjust the appearance of your text block and add margins using padding and margin feature. These features are used to generate space around content. The padding adds padding around the content (inside the border) of an element. Using this feature, you can have full control over the padding for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left). The margin properties set the size of the white space outside the border. Using this feature, you can have full control over the margins for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left).
You can manually add values in top, right, bottom, and left sections to align an element on your web-page according to your design.
Box shadow: You can adjust the box shadow style by selecting the type "Outset" or "Inset" and set other settings as desired by the user.