The Work Party is used for assigning the job to a role or specific user when the process reaches a Human Task. One Work Party can be comprised of list of users or different role groups.
Process designer uses Work Party assignments to assign jobs, when the process flow reaches a human node task. A Work Party is like department and members are same as workers in that department. User can create different Work Party as well as members in each Work Party, and then user can bring that Work Party to create lanes in the process.
In Process Designer, user can specify different lanes to mark the activities owned by different sections. So user must create lanes before dragging the nodes to develop a process. Each node in a process needs to belong to a specific lane. User must also set name of that lane. When any Lane has a Human Task, the Human Task by default will be assigned to the Work Party associated with that lane. User can also configure it to assign human node task to specific work party or specific user in another work party.
Work Party Name
Name of work party.
Work Party Type
Type of work party, there is only one types as of now: User Role.
Work Party Lead
Lead of work party, user can set the supervisor or manager role for the work party using this field.
When a Work-Party is created, user must also set the Members for the Work Party.
Member ID
ID of member.
Member Name
Name of member.
Member Type
Type of member, there 2 types as following: USER and ROLE.
"Lookup exiting member" button can be found on both "Create Work Party" page and "Update Work Party" page, to choose user from existing user list.