ONEWEB provides a CI server as an add-on feature to build mobile apps on the cloud. The user needs to pay the licensing fee and get the CI server key from the ONEWEB Team.
Once the user has the key, the user can attach it to his server as a global CI Server or attach it to one particular application as a local CI Server. If the key is attached to a global CI Server, any user on that server can build applications using this server. (Used for on-premise systems). For shared ONEWEB cloud users, the key is added to their applications as a local CI Server.
Now, the user can build unsigned Android applications. But for building signed apk and also for building IPA, the user needs to fill in the details of the apple developer account and information or google service account and Keystore details.
To build the app for uploading to PlayStore or AppStore, user needs to configure the app details in the Deployment tab in Page Designer. Inside Deployment, user has two tabs for iOS applications and Android application. User can fill data in both to build both apk and ipa versions of the app.
There is also provision to upload a promo video or add screenshots for the app.
For AppStore, user needs to upload the certificates for development & distribution. Also the AppSptore details from Apple developer account.
User can add a CI Server key as a Global Key or a Local Server Key.
Add Server as Global CI Server
Step 1: Open Control Panel from PGD Home page
Step 2: Click on Add Server icon
Step 3: Upload CI Server key you received from Avalant.
Step 4: Enter the server name.
Step 5: Click on Save button.
Step 6: User can see the added Server in the list of CI Servers.
Step 7: Click close button to go back to Page Designer home page.
How to add this CI Server to user application
Step 8: Please go to Settings tab in Page Designer Home.
Step 9: Choose the Services option.
Step 10: Choose the server from under the global servers available.
Note: User can also choose to Add server locally to one Page Application by clicking on the +Add Server icon at the bottom of Server selection box.
Step 11: User can see the selected service added to the application.
Step 12: Click on Check Service button to check Server status.
Step 13: Click Save to save the settings.
The Smart Forms generated using App Designer are by default web responsive to facilitate the proper use on every type of device. So when you create a Smart Form using AD, no need to worry about adapting to any specific device type as AD - a ONEWEB smart form designer automatically takes care of that.
Smart Form visibility on Desktop Screen Mode
Smart form visibility on Mobile Screens
Smartphones have invaded almost every spectrum of our lives. More and more people are most likely to use applications on their mobile devices than on a desktop. Hence, it become very important for the success of a modern application to provide efficient mobile UI/UX for at least the common and popular types of mobile screens. Businesses are increasingly giving attention to how they connect with existing and potential customers through mobile technology. Having an exclusive mobile app or a mobile version of the enterprise applications is a solution pursued by most companies.
There are three ways in which an application can be made accessible to users on mobile devices. Web Responsive Design Exclusive Mobile Apps Progressive Web Apps
The web pages created using Page Designer are web responsive by default unless the web designer assigns specific width for any element. Page Designer also has the feature to preview your page for different device types and see how your page looks like. To do so click on the desired preview icon at the top of the Page Designer screen.
Page run on desktop screen Mode (width 1024px)
Page run on Mobile Mode (width 375px)
Also, for the column element, Page Designer provides built in support to increment or decrement width for each screen size so as adjust the column size on various screens.
Page Designer also provides the class property for all element so as to assign specific CSS class to an element. Users can use this feature to make the elements follow the web responsive design.
Mobile Devices are very diverse, ranging from screen size, resolution or orientation to even operating systems (OS). To take care of the varying screen size and resolution, we have to make many versions of the site, such as a Desktop version and a Mobile version. But it will increase the cost and maintenance overload.
Responsive Web Design is a new concept that makes your web page look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones). It is about using HTML and CSS to resize, hide or move content to make it look good on all screens.
The two main Mobile OS platforms are Apple's iOS and Google's Android. Native apps are written in the code preliminarily used for the device and its OS. For example, developers write iOS applications in Objective-C or Swift, while they create Android-native apps in Java. whereas, Hybrid applications are a combination of native and web apps. The inner workings of a hybrid application are similar to a web app, but it installs like a native app. Hybrid applications have access to internal device APIs, which means they can use resources such as the camera, storage, GPS, etc. ONEWEB support Hybrid Mobile Application Development.